Reconsidering the Dominance Model in
Dog Training
Reprinted with Permission of The San Francisco SPCA
History of the Hierarchy
A linear hierarchy, where the social structure revolves
around priority access to resources, was first described in chickens,
resulting in the term “pecking order.” In the 30’s
and 40’s a couple of short-term studies of wolf packs were
performed and these referred to conflict resolution between members
in terms of dominance. One animal was presumed to physically roll
another over and pin him or her on the ground to assert rank.
What was not known at that time is that appeasement gestures, which
inhibit or cut-off aggression in another animal, are willingly offered
by the subordinate animal, not forced by the superior. There is
not one documented case of a wolf (or a dog) rolling over or pinning
another animal on the ground. Nor is there one case of a mother
wolf or dog “scruff-shaking” puppies.
In spite of the flimsy evidence, the concept of dominance was very
catchy and trickled down over the years into the dog training culture.
Scores of books and methods sprung up that admonished owners to
be “leader of the pack” and warned of the misbehavior
that would ensue if the dog was allowed to assume the “alpha”
The one long-term study on dogs found their social organization
to be much more subtle. However, the dominance concept continued
to spread. Training methods that relied heavily on aversives such
as pain and startle, to motivate the dog used dominance rhetoric
to justify the harsh techniques – one needed to put the dog
“in his place.”
Think Leverage, Not Dominance
In the last ten years or so, training methods have begun
to be more strongly influenced by animal learning theory –
operant and Pavlovian conditioning – with a resulting move
toward fewer and fewer aversives. The increased and more sophisticated
use of rewards allowed trainers and counselors to solve problems
and install obedience more efficiently than before and without confrontations
of any sort.
A more useful way to think about modifying dog behavior is in terms
of leverage, rather than dominance. Paying attention to and taking
control of what the dog wants – attention, walks, food, access
to the yard, access to other dogs and smells on the ground, door
opening services, play etc. – and providing them for desired
rather than undesired behavior, will achieve a well-trained dog
as well as positive associations with both the training process
and trainer.